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Adina-Passmore Stairway


Address: 3359 Adina (lower end), 3312 Passmore (upper end) - park on Oakshire, but be sure to notice parking restrictions like street cleaning.

Description: Pretty during the day, but a little scary at night!

How many steps? 136

This set of stairs is in a cute, hilly neighborhood in the Universal City area. I know about it because a good friend of mine lives on Passmore, which is the upper end of the stairs. One night, after a few drinks (Appletinis, if you must know!), we decided to walk down to Ventura Boulevard to get a bite to eat. You know I love LA's stairwalks, and I'd been meaning to try this one, and my friend who is super awesome but not always the best judge of situations said, "WHY NOT?" Well, I'll tell you why not -- although it's pretty and a mild butt-kicker during the day, at night it's pitch black -- no lights at all! Also, it's steep even going down hill, and totally uneven and cracked. I had on a pair of skinny jeans and my Jessica Simpson Bennies, which are uber-high stilettos -- sexy on even, flat surfaces NOT on a stairwalk! Plus a creepy guy walked right past us and didn't even say hello. My recommendation would be to do these stairs during the day only, or at least carry a flashlight, some mace, and wear your Jessica Simpson Leve ballet flats if you must go up or down them at night.

Location (Map)

3359 Adina Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90068, USA
Upper Mesa Stairway
Berendo Stairway

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