Address: Corralitas and Rosebud (bottom), 2611 Corralitas Dr. (top) – park near the overpass at the bottom
Description: A dusty and dirty trip to nowhere, in a somewhat sketchy zone, with a ton of road noise ☹
How many step?: 133
Hmm…this seems like an area that’s being developed, but just isn’t quite there yet. It’s literally right next to Highway 2 (you drive under an overpass to reach it…where I was stared down but a tough-looking dude in a pickup truck, btw). The stairwalk leads up a dirt-covered hillside to somebody’s log-cabin mansion and a few other houses overlooking the highway. About the best thing I can say is that the road noise could be considered part of the “rhythm of the city” or something…ah who am I kidding, this walk pretty much sucks!