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Beachwood Canyon Loop #1 - Lower Beachwood

Beachwood Canyon Loop #1 - Lower Beachwood


Address: 2800 N. Beachwood Drive - Park on Beachwood; the stairs are just a block from the Beachwood Market and Cafe (2695 N. Beachwood Drive)

Description: Starting point for Beachwood Canyon Loop (from Secret Stairs LA); This feels like an enchanted Hollywood set and is guaranteed to get your prince/princess mojo rising (along with your heart rate!)

How many steps? 143 (out of 861 for the whole walk)

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Beachwood Canyon Loop #2 - Westshire Stairs

Beachwood Canyon Loop #2 - Westshire Stairs


Address: 2748 Westshire -- assuming you are doing the Beachwood Canyon Loop walk; you'll already be parked on Beachwood. 

Description: Second set on the Beachwood Canyon Loop (from Secret Stairs LA); all I'm saying is FAUX WHITE LIVES!

How many steps?: 149 (out of 861 for the whole walk)

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Beachwood Canyon Loop #3 - Hollyridge

Beachwood Canyon Loop #3 - Hollyridge


Address:  3057 Hollyridge Drive - if you're doing the Beachwood Canyon Loop, you're still parked on Beachwood. The bottom of this stairwalk is at 3020 N. Beachwood, so if you wanted to do this one solo, then you could park on Beachwood near that address.

Description: Third set of steps in the Beachwood Canyon Loop (from Secret Stairs LA); they're down hill all the way -- and that's a compliment!

How many steps? 178 (out of 861 for the whole walk)

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Beachwood Canyon Loop #4 - Woodshire

Beachwood Canyon Loop #4 - Woodshire


Address:  Corner of North Beachwood Drive and Woodshire Drive - If you're doing the Beachwood Canyon Loop, you're already perfectly parked on Beachwood.

Description: Fourth set of stairs on the Beachwood Canyon Loop (from Secret Stairs LA); All hail the Queen -- she is lush, beautiful and has benches. Halle-freakin'-lujah!

How many steps? 148 (out of 861 for the whole walk)

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Beachwood Canyon Loop #6 - Upper Belden

Beachwood Canyon Loop #6 - Upper Belden


Address: 2872 Belden Drive - Again, if you're doing the Beachwood Canyon Loop, you're already parked on Beachwood.

Description: Sixth and final set of steps on the Beachwood Canyon Loop (from Secret Stairs LA); when you finished you've gone 2.6 miles and climbed 861 stairs. You deserve a medal AND a cheeseburger!

How many steps? 125 (out of 861 for the whole walk)

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