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Santa Monica "The Stairs" #2

Santa Monica "The Stairs" #2


Address: 526 Adelaide Drive – about 3 blocks down from the stairs at 406 Adelaide Drive that comprise THE STAIRS - Pretty abundant on-street parking but pay attention to street cleaning signs and other parking restrictions.

Description: This is one half of Santa Monica’s famed “The Stairs” climb

How many steps? 168

How many places can you get an amazing outdoor workout AND feel like you’ve just done something as social and fun as going to your favorite bar? I know it’s an odd comparison, but I swear being in a swarm of beautiful people, stepping together and sweating together was strangely exciting. Even if I felt slightly in adequate compared to all the 6-packs that surrounded me! These wooden steps are wider and easier to navigate, and the beach vibe was way more noticeable on these steps. When I got to the end, I almost tripped over a trainer standing like a mountain and yelling, I mean ENCOURAGING, a totally ripped guy he had running up and down the steps a million times. My advice is to crank iPod, tighten your earbuds, and don’t be intimidated! I will admit it’s a relief to step out onto Entrada when you're done.


Glencairn Stairway

Glencairn Stairway


Address: 4811 Glencairn Rd. (bottom), TKTK (top) – park on Glencairn

Description: Seemingly a private go-between for neighbors in this swanky hood. Steep!

How many steps? 70

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Corralitas Stairway

Corralitas Stairway


Address: Corralitas and Rosebud (bottom), 2611 Corralitas Dr. (top) – park near the overpass at the bottom

Description: A dusty and dirty trip to nowhere, in a somewhat sketchy zone, with a ton of road noise ☹

How many step?: 133

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Landa-Walcott Stairway

Landa-Walcott Stairway


Address: 2359 Landa St. (bottom), 1926 Walcott Way (top) – park on Whitmore

Description: Bushy and secluded near the top, but empties into a bustling neighborhood at bottom. Bonus points for sculptures!

How many steps? 151

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Peru Stairway

Peru Stairway


Address: 2366 Peru St. (bottom), 2378 Peru St. (top) – park on Peru or Whitmore

Description: A super-pretty, narrow staircase guarded by beasts at either end (but one is much more threatening than the other)

How many steps? 114

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